, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP dengan Jawaban – Bank Soal Materi Short Message, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 -->, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-1051186107584003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP dengan Jawaban – Bank Soal Materi Short Message – Bandung

Short message (pesan pendek) dikirim untuk memberi tahu seseorang tentang sesuatu hal karena tidak bisa bertemu langsung dengan orang tersebut. Pesan pendek dapat ditulis di secarik kertas maupun dikirim melalui SMS (short message service)atau bentuk aplikasi pengiriman pesan lainnya. Pesan pendek berisi;

1.     Nama orang yang menulis pesan (sender),

2.     Nama orang yang dituju (receiver),

3.     Isi pesan (content), isi pesan ditulis secara jelas sehingga mudah dimengerti oleh penerima pesan.

Jika pesan pendek ditulis di secarik kertas, pesan tersebut sebaiknya di tempat yang mudah dilihat oleh penerima pesan. Sebagai contoh, kita menulis pesan kepada adik kita meminjam bajunya. Kita bisa menempelkan pesan itu di pintu atau di atas meja. Dengan demikian pesan tersebut akan langsung dibaca dan tahu bahwa kita meminjam bajunya.

Jika pesan pendek ini berupa SMS, kita boleh menggunakan singkatan yang sudah diketahui maksudnya secara umum, misanya c u (see you), btw (by the way), asap (as soon as possible), etc. singkatan-singkatan semacam ini perlu digunakan untuk mempercepat penulisan pesan sehingga bisa menghemat waktu, selain itu menghemat kapasitas untuk menulis pesan.

Bank Soal Materi Short Message dengan Jawaban

The following text is for questions 1 and 2.

Heni, I am really sorry I cannot join you and Ghania to visit the new bookstore as we have planned this morning. I sprained my ankle. I’d better have a rest at home.


3 p.m.


From: Handy

1.     What is the message about?

A.     Arranging a plan.

B.     Having an accident.

C.     Visitting a bookstore.

D.    Cancelling an appointment.

2.     What is Handy doing that afternoon?

A.     Meeting Ghania.

B.     Calling Heni.

C.     Staying at home.

D.    Visitting the bookstore.

The following text is for questions 3 and 4.

Dear Ghania

There is computer exhibition at Expo Center. Would you like to accompany me to go there tomorrow afternoon? I am going to buy a bluetooth speaker.


3.     Why does Handy send the message to Ghania?

A.     To remind Ghania to visit a computer exhibition.

B.     To invite Ghania to attend a computer exhibition.

C.     To suggest Ghania to buy a bluetooth speaker.

D.    To ask Ghania to accompany him to visit an exhibition.

4.     What will Ghania Probably do after reading the message?

A.     Buy a bluetooth speaker for Handy.

B.     Visit a computer exhibition by herself.

C.     Reply the message by stating her willingness.

D.    Accompany Handy to visit a computer exhibition.

The following text is for questions 5 and 6.

Dear Ghania,

I think we need one rehearsal more before our Jaipong dance performance the day after tomorrow. Please let me know your avaliable time.


5.     The text is mainly about … the avaliable time to practice Jaipong dance.

A.     stating

B.     reminding

C.     asking for

D.    announcing

6.     What would happen if the receiver texts the avaliable time?

A.     The performance is done.

B.     The rehearsal is cancelled.

C.     The dance show is postponed.

D.    The rehearsal schedule is set.

The following text is for questions 7 to 9.

Dad, I am at Mr. Handy’s house to accompany Ghania, her little daughter. Mrs. Handy took her sick father to hospital just now. Mr. Handy is still on his way home. I will return home after he arrives.


7.     Ali sent the message to his father …

A.     to take a leave

B.     to explain his condition

C.     to help mr. handy family

D.    to inform mr. handy condition

8.     What is Ali like?

A.    Helpful.

B.     Humble.

C.     Confident.

D.    Generous.

9.     “I will return home after he arrives.”

The underlined word refers to …

A.     Ali

B.     Mr. Handy

C.     Ali’s father

D.    Mrs. Handy’s father

The following text is for questions 10 and 11.

Dear Handy

Thank you for inviting me to your house warming party, but I am really sorry. I cannot attend your party because I have to attend a selection test to enter vocational school in Magelang. I promise I will visit you and your new house after returning from Magelang. I hope your party will be merry. Warm  regards to your parent.


10.  What is the topic of the text?

A.     Hope.

B.     Farewell.

C.     Thanking,

D.    Apologizing.

11.  What can we conclude from the text?

A.     Heni will hold a party.

B.     Handy lives in a new house.

C.     Handy will study in Magelang.

D.    Heni will attend Handy’s party.

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